Deadlift 5 x 5
Half Kneeling DB Press 3 x 10 e/a
Gymnastics / MIdline
Ring Row 3 x 15
Knee to Elbow 3 x 10
L-Sit 3 x :15
2 Rounds
:30 KB Swing / :30 rest
:30 Wall Ball / :30 rest
:30 Double Under :30 rest
Deadlift 5 x 5
Half Kneeling DB Press 3 x 10 e/a
Gymnastics / MIdline
Ring Row 3 x 15
Knee to Elbow 3 x 10
L-Sit 3 x :15
2 Rounds
:30 KB Swing / :30 rest
:30 Wall Ball / :30 rest
:30 Double Under :30 rest