Mid-Distance : 10k for the final 5k - 1:00 RPE 7/8 at the top of every K
Marathon : 12k for the final 6k - 1:00 RPE 7/8 at the top of every K
Ultra : 15k for the final 8k - 1:00 RPE 7/8 at the top of every K
Cool Down
Mid-Distance : 10k for the final 5k - 1:00 RPE 7/8 at the top of every K
Marathon : 12k for the final 6k - 1:00 RPE 7/8 at the top of every K
Ultra : 15k for the final 8k - 1:00 RPE 7/8 at the top of every K
Cool Down
Regeneration Run
Aerobic Threshold Pace
180-age / 3:3 NB
Mid-Distance : 8k
Marathon : 10k
Ultra : 12k
Strength & Conditioning
2 Rounds
5 Turkish Get up (5L/5R)
10 DB Snatch (5L/5R)
15 Single Arm DB Thruster (5L/5R)
20 Hollow Rock
15 DB Row (5L/5R)
10 DB Hammer Curl
5 DB Deadlift
Repetition Pace Intervals ( 200 - 400 - 600 ) w. 1:00 - 2:00 - 4:00 resting recovery
Warm up : 2-3 miles @ E pace + run drills
Mid-Distance : 2 rounds
Marathon : 3 rounds
Ultra : 4 rounds
Cool Down : 2-3 miles @ E pace
Regeneration Run
Aerobic Threshold Pace / 180 - age / 3:3 NB
Mid-Distance : 8k
Marathon : 10k
Ultra : 12k
Cash Out : 8 x 0:20 w. 1:00 walking recovery
Strength & Conditioning
DB Deadlift
Hang Power Clean
Long Run
Aerobic Threshold Pace / On trail or soft surface
Mid-Distance : 2h:30
Marathon : 3h:00
Ultra : 4h:00
Cool Down : Foundation Training
Regeneration Run
Aerobic Threshold Pace / 180-age / 3:3 NB
Mid-Distance : 10k
Marathon : 12k
Ultra : 15k
Cool Down
Strength & Conditioning
3-5 rounds
10 Man Maker
20 Farmer Lunge
30 Double Under
Threshold Intervals
Warm up : 2-3 miles @ E pace + run drills
1k - 2k - 800m w. 1:00 - 2:00 - 3:00 resting recovery
Mid-Distance : 2 rounds
Marathon : 3 rounds
Ultra : 4 rounds
Cool Down : 2-3 miles @ E pace + Foundation Training