July 10

July 10


Long Run

On Trail or soft surface

Ultra: 5h:00 Alternating 30:00 run, 30:00 hike

Marathon 3h:00

Mid Distance 2h:00

July 9

July 9


Regeneration Run / Cash Out

VDOT O2 - E pace / MAF (180-age) / 3:3 NB

Ultra: 15k

Marathon: 12k

Mid Distance: 10k

Cash Out: Included into your total run distance, 5 x :30 w. 1:30 running recovery

July 8

July 8


5/3/1 C3W2

3 x 3 @ 70, 80, 90% of your TM*

Warm up : 5 @ 40%, 5 @ 45%, 3 @ 50% rest 2:00-3:00 between sets


Shoulder Press

Accessory Work

5 rounds / 10 reps each exercise / can be done a circuit but not for time or rest 1:00 in between rounds

Pull up

Farmer Lunge

Glute Bridge

DB Row

Prone Plank

July 7

July 7


Tabata Interval

2 mile Tabata

0:10 sprint w. :20 resting recovery for 2 miles, the only time you are covering distance is when your sprinting

July 6

July 6


Regeneration Run / VDOT O2 - E pace

180 - age / 3:3 NB

Ultra: 25k

Marathon: 20k,

Mid Distance: 15k

Cash Out: 3 rounds of 10 lateral lunge, hindu squat, 10 cossack squat, 10 hindu push up

July 5

July 5


5/3/1 C3W2

3 x 3 @ 70, 80, 90% of your TM*

Warm up : 5 @ 40%, 5 @ 45%, 3 @ 50% rest 2:00-3:00 between sets


Bench Press

Accessory Work

5 rounds / 10 reps each exercise / can be done a circuit but not for time or rest 1:00 in between rounds

Strict Pull up

Walking Farmer Lunge

Decline Push up

Poliguin Squat

Hollow Rock

July 4

July 4


Regeneration Run

VDOT O2 - E pace / MAF (180-age) / 3:3 NB

Ultra: 12k

Marathon: 10k

MidDistance: 8k

Cash Out: 30 Second Jog, 90 Second Sprint, 60 Second Jog, 90 Second Sprint, 90 Second Jog, 90 Second Sprint, 60 Second Jog, 90 Second Sprint, 30 Second Jog, 90 Second Sprint

July 2

July 2


Long Run / On trail or soft surface

VDOT O2 Easy Pace / MAF 180-age / Nasal Breathing

Ultra: 4h:00

Marathon: 3h:00

Mid Distance: 2h:00

Final 30:00 @ M pace

June 30

June 30


5/3/1 C3W3

3 x 5 @ 65, 70, 80% of your TM* / / add 10lbs to your squat & 5lbs to your bench

Warm up : 5 @ 40%, 5 @ 45%, 3 @ 50% rest 2:00-3:00 between sets


Shoulder Press

Accessory Work

5 rounds / 10 reps each exercise / can be done a circuit but not for time or rest 1:00 in between rounds

Pull up

Farmer Lunge

Glute Bridge

DB Row

Prone Plank