Long Run
On Trail or soft surface
Ultra: 5h:00 Alternating 30:00 run, 30:00 hike
Marathon 3h:00
Mid Distance 2h:00
Long Run
On Trail or soft surface
Ultra: 5h:00 Alternating 30:00 run, 30:00 hike
Marathon 3h:00
Mid Distance 2h:00
Regeneration Run / Cash Out
VDOT O2 - E pace / MAF (180-age) / 3:3 NB
Ultra: 15k
Marathon: 12k
Mid Distance: 10k
Cash Out: Included into your total run distance, 5 x :30 w. 1:30 running recovery
5/3/1 C3W2
3 x 3 @ 70, 80, 90% of your TM*
Warm up : 5 @ 40%, 5 @ 45%, 3 @ 50% rest 2:00-3:00 between sets
Shoulder Press
Accessory Work
5 rounds / 10 reps each exercise / can be done a circuit but not for time or rest 1:00 in between rounds
Pull up
Farmer Lunge
Glute Bridge
DB Row
Prone Plank
Tabata Interval
2 mile Tabata
0:10 sprint w. :20 resting recovery for 2 miles, the only time you are covering distance is when your sprinting
Regeneration Run / VDOT O2 - E pace
180 - age / 3:3 NB
Ultra: 25k
Marathon: 20k,
Mid Distance: 15k
Cash Out: 3 rounds of 10 lateral lunge, hindu squat, 10 cossack squat, 10 hindu push up
5/3/1 C3W2
3 x 3 @ 70, 80, 90% of your TM*
Warm up : 5 @ 40%, 5 @ 45%, 3 @ 50% rest 2:00-3:00 between sets
Bench Press
Accessory Work
5 rounds / 10 reps each exercise / can be done a circuit but not for time or rest 1:00 in between rounds
Strict Pull up
Walking Farmer Lunge
Decline Push up
Poliguin Squat
Hollow Rock
Regeneration Run
VDOT O2 - E pace / MAF (180-age) / 3:3 NB
Ultra: 12k
Marathon: 10k
MidDistance: 8k
Cash Out: 30 Second Jog, 90 Second Sprint, 60 Second Jog, 90 Second Sprint, 90 Second Jog, 90 Second Sprint, 60 Second Jog, 90 Second Sprint, 30 Second Jog, 90 Second Sprint
Long Run / On trail or soft surface
VDOT O2 Easy Pace / MAF 180-age / Nasal Breathing
Ultra: 4h:00
Marathon: 3h:00
Mid Distance: 2h:00
Final 30:00 @ M pace
Regeneration Run
VDOT O2 E Pace / MAF 180-age / Nasal Breathing
Ultra: 12k
Marathon: 10k
MidDistance: 8k
5/3/1 C3W3
3 x 5 @ 65, 70, 80% of your TM* / / add 10lbs to your squat & 5lbs to your bench
Warm up : 5 @ 40%, 5 @ 45%, 3 @ 50% rest 2:00-3:00 between sets
Shoulder Press
Accessory Work
5 rounds / 10 reps each exercise / can be done a circuit but not for time or rest 1:00 in between rounds
Pull up
Farmer Lunge
Glute Bridge
DB Row
Prone Plank