Mike Brancatelli, hosts the Mikeadelic Podcast and is based in Denver, Colorado. Mike started in the podcast game back home in NYC where he was the co-host of “Part of the Problem” with stand up comic & Fox News regular Dave Smith. After a trip to Peru, the Temple of the Way of Light and his first Ayahuasca experience, Mike like many had a transformative experience. After volunteering at the Temple for most of 2018, Mike moved to Denver, and has been at the fore front of the Psychedelic Community. The Mikeadelic Podcast has featured the likes of Christopher Ryan, Daniel Pinchbeck, Daniele Bolelli, Lorenzo Hagerty and Ed Liu. Mike and his guest cover a variety topics aimed at inspiring, bringing about deep thought and possibly even changing the world…
Mike Branccatelli https://www.mikebranc.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/mikebranc
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mikeadelic_podcast/
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaUWOdSW9KaEiuWf60lK63A
The Airey Bros.
IG @aireybros / https://www.instagram.com/aireybros/
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