Alright Y'all! You know what time it is, grab your favorite tasty craft beverage and buckle up for another episode with the Four Horsemen, it's time for JTPO!

This week on the watch list were kicking it off with the 2000 American neo-noir black comedy slasher, American Psycho staring Christian Bale in his breakout Hollywood role. On the back end we check out another episode of Zac Efron's 'Down to Earth" with the third installment taking us to Costa Rica for a closer look as self-sustainable living.

Along the way we crack open cold ones from Other Half, Heavy Real, Pinelands, Icarus and Diebolt Brewing. Let us know if there's anything your sipping on that we should try.

Cheers Y'all, Have a great weekend!

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IG @aireybros

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