Kevin Roddy has been a mixed martial artist since 2005 with over 30 professional fights in the Feather Weight Division, Kevin has fought for Bellator,Strikeforce and M-1 Global. Born and raised at the Jersey Shore, Kevin hails from Bricktown, NJ and started training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in 2002, as a Black Belt Kevin is the co-owner of Asbury Park Jiu-Jistu. The world of martial arts is filled with politics and if you train a one school it is highly frowned upon that you train at other schools. Kevin and his partner Ian Clark opened APJJ with an open door, no politics policy welcoming anyone and everyone to training at their school because when everybody does better everyone does better! In this episode we discuss coming up through the underground ranks of MMA fighting for ticket sales, cutting weight and what inspired opening a no politics school. I apologize in the delay of getting this episode out I had to clean up the sound before I posted this gem of an episode. Enjoy my friends.

you can follow Kevin on social media at
@whatsakrod Instagram
@asburyparkjiujitsu Instagram