March 29

March 29


3 rounds

20 Goblet Squat March

15 OH Sit up

10 DB Suit Case Deadlift



Pull up

Single Leg RDL


100 KB Swing // 10 Burpee each time you break


March 28

March 28


Long Run

Aerobic Threshold Pace // 180 - age // 3:3 nasal breathing

Mid-Distance : 15k

Marathon : 25k

Ultra : 35k

Cool Down

This post-workout yoga class (cool down) includes a moment of connection to breath and body awareness - post-workout. This class includes neck rolls and cat ...

March 27

March 27


Turn Over Recovery

Warm up : 2 miles relaxed running // 3:3 nasal breathing

MId-Distance : 6 x 120m w. 1:1 recovery

Marathon : 8 x 120m w. 1:! recovery

Ultra : 10 x 120m w. 1:1 recovery

Cool Down : 2 miles relaxed running // 3:3 nasal breathing

Get to

March 26

March 26


DB Complex

5 rounds

5 Suit Case DL

5 DB Power Clean

5 DB Push Press


10 Cossack Squat

10 Single Leg Glute Bridge

1:00 Glute Bridge Hold

10 Plank Leg Lift

1:00 Plank Pose

march 25

march 25


Regeneration Run

MId-Distance : 8k

Marathon : 10k

Ultra : 12k

Cash out

8 x 0:20 w. 1:00 walking recovery

Cool Down

Get to

Disclaimer** This an advanced routine. IF at any point you experience compression in your lower back or any other fault in form, stop your session and cont...

March 24

March 24


DB Curtis Pā€™s

3 x 5 - moderate weight heavy enough to go unbroken

rest 2:00 between sets


5:00 HS Hold // 10 V-up : 10 Hollow Rock each time you break from the wall


12:00 EMOM

odd 1:00 - 5 DB Thruster

even 1:00 8 Burpee

March 23

March 23


Regeneration Run

Mid-Distance : 10k

Marathon : 12k

Ultra : 15k

Cool Down

Challenging core routine from Building a Better Runner, Vol.2 from

March 22

March 22


Speed // Turnover

Warm up : 2-3 miles + run drills

Mid-Distance : 6 x 300 w. 1:00 walking recovery recovery // 6 x 100 OTM // 6 x 200 w. 1:00 resting recovery

Marathon : 8 x 300 w. 1:00 walking recovery recovery // 8 x 100 OTM // 8 x 200 w. 1:00 resting recovery

Ultra : 10 x 300 w. 1:00 walking recovery recovery // 10 x 100 OTM // 10 x 200 w. 1:00 resting recovery

Cool Down : 2-3 miles w. 3/3 nasal breathing

This post-workout yoga class (cool down) includes a moment of connection to breath and body awareness - post-workout. This class includes neck rolls and cat ...

March 17

March 17


Regeneration Run // Aerobic Threshold Pace

180 - age // 3:3 nasal breathing

Mid-Distance : 10k

Marathon : 12k

Ultra : 15k

March 16

March 16


4 Rounds

10 Jefferson Curl

10 Goblet Squat March

10 DB Row


5:00 Handstand Hold // 10 hollow rock, 10 Vup every time you break from the wall.


10 KB Swing on the 1:00 for 10:00