12:00 EMOM
odd 1:00 - Goblet Hold Reverse Lunge - 10
even 1:00 Cossack Squat - 10
9:00 AMRAP
10 Lateral Plank Reach through
10 Lateral Plank Leg Raise
0:30 Lateral Plank
5 rounds
10 Burpee
10 KB Swing
20 Double Under
12:00 EMOM
odd 1:00 - Goblet Hold Reverse Lunge - 10
even 1:00 Cossack Squat - 10
9:00 AMRAP
10 Lateral Plank Reach through
10 Lateral Plank Leg Raise
0:30 Lateral Plank
5 rounds
10 Burpee
10 KB Swing
20 Double Under
Turnover Recovery / Interval Pace
Warm up : 1 mile walk, 2 mile run + Drills
Mid-Distance : 8 x 200m w. 1:00 resting recovery
Marathon : 10 x 200m w. 1:00 resting recovery
Ultra : 12 x 200m w. 1:00 resting recovery
Cool Down : 2 miles relaxed running
This post-workout yoga class (cool down) includes a moment of connection to breath and body awareness - post-workout. This class includes neck rolls and cat ...
Long Run
Aerobic Threshold Pace
180-age // 3:3 nasal breathing
Mid-Distance : 20k
Marathon 28k
Ultra : 32k
Cool Down
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Happy Boxing Day
Active Recovery Day
2h:00 Alternating 30:00 walk / 30:00 run
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Disclaimer** This an advanced routine. IF at any point you experience compression in your lower back or any other fault in form, stop your session and cont...
Merry Christmas / / Happy Holidays
Regeneration Run // Easy Pace
180-age // 3:3 nasal breathing
Mid-Distance : 8-12k
Marathon : 10-15k
Ultra : 12-15k
Cool Down
27 Squat x’s 2 rounds
MWODPRO - Daily Videos: The Ready State:The Ready State is the new home of MobilityWOD. The Ready...
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Strength & Conditioning
3 rounds w. 2:00 resting recovery between rounds, returning to nasal breathing
10 Sit up
0:30 Plank
10 Lunge Jump
100m run
0:30 Plank
10 Push up
100m run
0:30 Plank
10 Cossack Squat
100m run
0:30 Plank
Cool Down
This post-workout yoga class (cool down) includes a moment of connection to breath and body awareness - post-workout. This class includes neck rolls and cat ...
Warm up : 1-3 miles relaxed running w. 3/3 NB + Drills
Mid-Distance : 3 x (100m, 200m, 400m) w. 0:30 resting recovery w. 400m run between sets
Marathon : 5 x (100m, 200m, 400m) w. 0:30 resting recovery w. 400m run between sets
Ultra : 6 x (100m, 200m, 400m) w. 0:30 resting recovery w. 400m run between sets
Cool Down : 1-3 miles relaxed running w. 3/3 NB + Drills
Core X is a simple routine - 10 exercises, 30 seconds each exercises; 5 minutes total. While it is short and sweet, it is also very challenging.
180-age // 3:3 Nasal Breathing
Mid-Distance : 10k
Marathon : 12k
Ultra : 15
Cash Out : 8-10 x 0:20 w. 1:00 resting recovery / use metronome set to 90bpm pulling left foot on the beat
Cool Down
This yoga class is designed to be practiced any time you are feeling muscle soreness, fatigue or tension after a workout, (or anytime!). This 20-minute class...
Squat 5 x 5 : @ 55-60% of your TM
Front Squat or Zercher Squat Rack Position
rest 2:00 between sets
3 rounds
10 Lateral Plank Leg Raise
10 Prone Plank HS to ES
10 Inch Worm Push up
10:00 AMRAP
10 DB Push Press
5 DB Thruster
10 KB Swing
25 Double Under
Long Run
Aerobic Threshold Pace
180 - age // 3:3 nasal breathing
Mid Distance : 15k
Marathon : 20k
Ultra : 30k